Information for the Junior Season 2024-2025

Registrations are OPEN until 22 September 2024 - click here.

  • JCC Team Photo Policy 

All players will be advised of the date and time for their team photo.

Children who attend the photo session will receive a FREE copy of their team photo.

Children who do not attend the photo session have the option of paying for an insert and they will then receive a free copy of their team photo.

Children who do not attend the photo session, and do not pay for an insert, will NOT receive a free photo.  They can purchase a photo if required. 

  • Season Playing Dates  - to be updated for 2024/25 season once the dates are finalised

  • JCC Branded Gear

All Juniors in Years 2-8 (boys and girls) and our Girls Softball teams are required to wear a blue JCC playing shirt.

If you are new to our club, or require a new playing shirt, it must be ordered during the registration process. Our shirts are made to order and orders close on 23 September 2024.  

Additional JCC branded clothing is available from Kilbirnie Sports


  • Hawkes Bay Cricket Camp in January 2025 is available to all players in Years 5 – 8 that were registered with the club for the 2023/24 season

Y5 Camp - 6 - 8 January 2025

Y6 Camp - 8 - 11 January 2025 or 19 - 22 January 2025  (date to be confirmed)

Y7 Camp - 15 - 18 January 2025

Y8 Camp - 15 - 18 January 2025 or 19 - 22 January 2025 (date to be confirmed)

Hawkes Bay Cricket also offer cricket camps for girls only.

All players and coaches/managers stay at either Napier Boys’ & Girls High School Hostel, or Woodford House & Hereworth. Parents & families are encouraged to attend but need to arrange their own accommodation.

More information on the Hawkes Bay Cricket Camps is available here.

  • Training nights will generally try to be arranged around the following schedule:

Superstar Academy – Friday

Year 2 - Monday / Wednesday

Year 3 - Monday / Wednesday

Year 4 - Tuesday / Thursday

Year 5 - Tuesday / Thursday

Year 6 - Monday / Wednesday

Year 7 - Tuesday / Thursday

Year 8 - Tuesday / Thursday

More information will be added as the season progresses.

  • Junior Cricket Format

Click here for information on the cricket playing format for each age group.

  • Useful Links 

Below are a number of links which contain useful information for all parents and caregivers :

Junior Handbook 2022-23 is here

Cricket Wellington Helmet Policy

Junior Cricket Player and Parent Charter​​​​​​​