Charlie Temel Trophy

The Charlie Temel Trophy was donated to the club by the Temel family following Charlie’s passing. 

The award is for a Year 7 team member who demonstrates sportsmanship and respect to not only their team and opposition, but also to cricket itself. 

Each Year 7 team coach is permitted to nominate one or two players (two maximum). Nominations must be in writing and be 200 words or less. The Junior convenor and Hardball grade convenor will decide the Charlie Temel award winner after reviewing the nominations. The award is to be made to one player only.

Conflicts of interest should be managed appropriately, and if the Junior Convenor or Hardball Grade Convenor has a child in a Year 7 team, they must step down from the judging panel.

The following examples may assist with identifying players worthy of being nominated;

“…has been a strong all-round team member who strives for excellence across all cricket disciplines resulting in consistently high all-round performances. They are a valued leader of the team, utilising their cricket experience to set fields and support team mates through encouragement, passion and commitment"

“...makes a great all round contribution to the team. They are a valuable bowler and batter and have taken several great catches as wicket keeper. Even more importantly they are always encouraging their team mates to give their best for the team even when they are up against it.”

All nominees will be presented with a certificate and be called up on the day as their nomination is read out by the coach.