Junior Cricket Format​​​​​​​ - for boys and girls of all ages

Smash Play Cricket Academy (School Year 0 -1)

School entrants will receive a fun introduction to cricket and learn the basics of batting, bowling, and fielding. They will play games as an aid to improving their skills. The emphasis will be on having a great time with friends. These sessions are likely to be held on a Friday evening at Alex Moore Park. Time and place to be confirmed. Smash Player Cricket Academy is for boys and girls aged 5 or 6 years old on the 1st of November AND in Year 0 or Year 1 at school.  

Year 2 & 3

This grade is generally played on a Saturday morning. The games are  played on dual pitches, meaning all players are involved for the whole game. Games last about an hour and are scheduled to minimise travel. Teams generally comprise a minimum of 8 players. Games are played with a soft ball.

Every effort is made for the players to be in a team where they have a number of their friends.

Year 4

These teams also have 8 players and play against other cricket clubs in Wellington generally each Saturday morning between 8.30am and 10.30am, in the Year 4 competition. Cricket is played with a soft cricket ball.Every effort is made for the players to be in a team where they have a number of their friends.

In an effort to speed up the games all teams bowl all their overs from one end.

Year 5

Teams generally play for the Club each Saturday morning between 8.30am and 11.00am in a team of 8 players against other Wellington clubs in the Year 5 competition. This is the first year of hard ball. There are 20 overs in an innings. 

Year 6

Teams generally play for the Club in the Year 6 competition each Saturday morning between 8.30am and 11.00am, in an 8 aside team against other Wellington teams. Games are 20 overs per side. 

Year 7

This is an 9 aside team playing on a Saturday, comprising 30 overs per team. 

Year 8 

Year 8 players will play in a 9 aside team comprising 30 overs. 

Girls Only Soft Ball Cricket - Years 5 - 8

Games are played on a Sunday.

Games will be 8 aside, 16 overs per team, using a soft cricket ball with players batting in pairs for 4 overs. All players bowl 2 overs.

This is a great opportunity for girls who want to try cricket for the first time or for those girls wanting more cricket.


Our Grading Policy

We have a ​​Grading Policy. Some of these policies have been brought about by our responsibilities under Health and Safety laws.

Other important information:

​​​​​​​Junior Grades and Rules Summary 2018-2019

2023-2024 Junior Season Planner - coming soon.